
PiCUS Sonic Tomograph

Decay detection with a PiCUS Sonic Tomogrpah.

A PiCUS Sonic Tomogrpah test is used for tree risk assessments to determine the extent of internal decay or cavities throughout the stem of a tree. This is done by sending soundwaves through the wood; the density of the wood (extent of decay) is determined by how fast the sound travels through the wood.

The quicker the sound waves travel the more decayed the wood is. The sound is sent through the wood by using a small hammer and sonic sensors. The soundwaves are recorded electronically by the numbered sensors placed all around the tree stem (as seen below) and the data then transmitted and shown on a graph.

The graphic results from the PiCUS Sonic Tomograph then inform the consultant as to the shape of decay within the stem. The consultant will then use these results to inform management recommendations, based on the extent and progression of the decay.

See an example of the PiCUS Sonic Tomograph results here: example PDF.